Voloco Auto Tune App

What is Voloco App Voloco application is an entertainment application which can help you to produce a very good sound when you sing. Of course this will really help you and also other people who don’t have too good sound quality, but really love singing your favorite songs. With this application, your voice will be more interesting to hear.

Download and Install Voloco for PC from Apps for PC Day

Description for Voloco: Auto Voice Tune + Harmony for PC:

Voloco is a real-time voice-processing app that combines automatic tuning, harmony, and vocoding. Pick a track from your music collection or Voloco’s free beat library to sing or rap over, and Voloco will guess the key of the track and tune your voice to that key.

Voloco for PC Features:


Voloco allows you to record your performances in audio or video so you can easily share them. Create your own music video selfie! Post it to Instagram and tag us. If we like it, we’ll share it to our social media accounts.

If you want to finish your mix with another app, that’s easy. You can rap or sing over a track, record yourself, and export just your vocals for final mixing elsewhere.

Check out some of the professional-quality tracks users have made with Voloco in the Top Tracks section of the app.

Select a beat from the beat library to rap or sing over.

Voloco features eight vocal effect preset packs:

Starter: Two flavors of auto vocal tune, a rich harmony preset, a monster vocoder, and noise reduction.
Modern Rap I: Add stereo width, thickness, and heft to your vocals.
Modern Rap II: Extended harmonies and effects that are great for ad-libs.
P-Tain: Extreme pitch correction plus seventh chords. Perfect for RnB and rap.
Bon Hiver: Lush harmonies and auto vocal tune in the style of Bon Iver’s song “Woods.”
8 Bit Chip: Bleeps and boops like your favorite games from the 80’s
Duft Pank: Funky vocoder sounds similar to a certain French electronic duo.
Sitar Hero: Inspired by Indian classical music.

Source: Voloco: Auto Voice Tune + Harmony (Google Play Store)

Voloco Auto Tune Harmony Pc

Guideto Download and Install Voloco: Auto Voice Tune + Harmony for PC:

Downloading and installing Voloco:Auto Voice Tune + Harmony for PC is very easy, there are several thirdparty emulators like Bluestacks, Andy, Remix OS and Ipadian available onlinethat will help you to download and install Voloco: Auto Voice Tune + Harmony onyour PC.

Click on the below button to learnthe complete setup to download Voloco: Auto Voice Tune + Harmony for PC by helpof Bluestacks.

Download and Install Voloco for PC With Nox App Player:

  1. First of all, download Nox AppPlayer and install it.
  2. Now you have to download Voloco:Auto Voice Tune + Harmony APK.
  3. Double click on the downloaded Voloco: Auto Voice Tune + Harmony APK inNox App player.
  4. The installation process of the APKfile will start.
  5. The installed APK file will appearon the home screen of Nox App player after complete installation.
  6. Now launch Voloco: Auto Voice Tune +Harmony by clicking on its icon on the home screen.
  7. Follow the on-screen instructionsand download the application data.
  8. After complete download it is readyto use.
  9. That’s it. Enjoy.

More From Us: Proxynel for PC Download (Windows and Mac)

So that’s it guys, this is the complete procedure to download and install Voloco: Auto Voice Tune + Harmony for Windows. For more apps and games follow our blog and keep visiting.

Voloco: Auto Voice Tune + Harmony Mod 6.0.2 Apk [Unlocked]

Voloco Auto Tune App Download

Voloco is a real-time voice-processing app that combines automatic tuning, harmony, and vocoding. Pick a track from your music collection or Voloco’s free beat library to sing or rap over, and Voloco will guess the key of the track and tune your voice to that key.

Starter: Two flavors of auto pitch correction, a rich harmony preset, a monster vocoder, and noise reduction.
Modern Rap I: Add stereo width, thickness, and heft to your vocals.
Modern Rap II: Extended harmonies and effects that are great for ad-libs.
P-Tain: Extreme auto voice tuning plus seventh chords. Perfect for RnB and rap.
Bon Hiver: Lush harmonies and pitch tune in the style of Bon Iver’s song “Woods.”
8 Bit Chip: Bleeps and boops like your favorite games from the 80’s
Duft Pank: Funky vocoder sounds similar to a certain French electronic duo.
Sitar Hero: Inspired by Indian classical music.